Saturday, March 13, 2010

My kid is amazing.

I know, we all think that. That is ok... but my husband and I sometimes just spend our days listening and watching. We expected a smart kid, cause neither of us is lacking in brains (I am lacking in the common sense area, but that is a story for another day!) but wow, he is sharp!

yesterday he was sick... so he got so lie around on mommy all day. Today, he seemed fine, so business as usual. But I wasn't feeling particularly fantabulous today, so I was trying to rest. Ethan climbed up on my lap and handed me the remote.
"hakuna matata" he said, matter of factly
"No, E, it isn't time for the Lion King. Let's get a book"  I reasoned.
"hakuna matata, Mommy. remote. TV. more" he insisted.
"Ethan, we already watched Elmo today, no more TV"

So dejectedly he climbed down, whimpering (probably calling me some names under his breath, too!) and went about his busimess. After a bit, he comes back, rubbing his eyes, and with his lip stuck out, and laid his head on my lap. I stroked his hair and wondered if his belly was bothering him again. Gathering him up, I settled him under the blanket with me, and my little manipulator turned to me and with his head resting against my chest, looked up through his eyelashed and said with purpose,
"hakuna matata"

Well, what would you have done??

Later, I was rocking him in his room,. after an unsuccessful attempt to get him in for a nap... The phone rang, and T answered it in his office. Taking his thumb out of his mouth for a second, he said,
"Phone. Bubbie, Zaydie, Grammy. Phone."  and then promptly put his thumb back in. Apparenty only grandparents call us.
We could hear Daddy on the phone, and his one sided conversation went like this:
T: Hello?
T: Oh, he is fine today. He ------------
I don't know what he said after that, because I was listening to Ethan  say this:
"Bubbie, Fine today. Fine. Fine. No night-night. Light. Light. Fine Mommy"

Oh, and it was Bubbie and she did ask if he was ok! :)

I really have to upload some videos from the Flip, so that I can take more... he is so funny with his new dance! apparently, he gets his rhythm from his dad!

We had dinner at Pumpernicks and Ethan, as per usual was all about the pickles! We got him a burger, which he was eating fine, as long as he also had pickles!

(please excuse the lousy iphone picture... hard to take a picture with a moving target!)

He scarfed down my broccoli, too. Then we let him have some of his fries (why do kids meals always come with fries?) Suddenly pickles are good... but fries are better!

Shame we didn't get a picture of the chocolate pudding!

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